Taejon Christian International School | Since 1958

Attending Korean University

Where do TCIS students go to university?

The great majority of our students go on to quality universities in the United States. Of the rest, most students generally go to top universities in the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and China. However, we regularly have students interested in attending university in Korea either as national citizens or as foreign students.

Infographic showing percentages of 2021 university acceptances: 78% to USA, 11% UK, 7% Canada, 3% Australasia, 1% Asia

Can my child attend Korean university after TCIS?

Absolutely. This is a common question that we receive from many Korean and foreign families, and while the process looks different for each, the answer is a definite "Yes."  There are two routes by which students may matriculate from TCIS to a Korean university, and it depends on nationality status.

All TCIS graduates receive a diploma and transcript that is accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (USA,) which is highly respected by universities all around the world. Students also receive credentials from the IB organization reflecting their work and achievements within the IB programs of study, which is also highly respected by universities around the world. All students receive a very high quality education that is student focused and delivered according to best practices, as verified by our accrediting agencies. 

Who might attend a Korean university?

There are a couple of main reasons that some of our students choose to attend university in Korea. The first is a matter of life goals for students who plan to live and work in Korea. We also find students looking specifically for a foreign university for the life experience and cultural adventure.

  • A Future in Korea
    Some students come to TCIS, both Korean nationals and foreign families, with the long-term goal of living in Korea and establishing a career. Attending Korean university is seen as a good step toward this goal, and these families choose TCIS for their pre-university education. They choose TCIS for the quality of learning, experiences in a multi-cultural community, for the quality and volume of English in their learning, and to learn more about Korean culture while living in the international boarding care program. These offer a great advantage to children during their formative years, and TCIS prepares them well to be international students and globally-adept professionals here in Korea.
  • A Cultural Experience 
    Some students come to Korea with an interest in the culture. Time spent at Korean university provides that cultural experience while getting a good education for an attractive price. Students come to TCIS also to engage that interest in Korean culture and, again, to gently acclimatize to the local culture while still being cared for within the multi-cultural boarding care program.


Applying to University in Korea

TCIS is licensed in Korea as a foreign school, and we work with international educational organizations for matters of curriculum, standards, and programs. This has no bearing on foreign students applying to Korean universities, but it slightly changes the process for Korean nationals applying to Korean universities.

#1 – International Student Track

Applicants and both parents must hold non-Korean nationality (dual passport holders will be considered as Korean citizens). Also, applicants must graduate high school (or are expected to graduate) before the start of the school year they apply for.

Application Periods: Fall and Spring

Admissions Criteria:
Admission decisions are made based on an overall evaluation of the documents submitted by the applicant. Depending on the policy of the specific college or department, the applicant may be asked to undertake interviews, examinations, and/or a performance test.

Required Documents:
The following is a list of generally required documents listed by the National Institute for International Education, but document requirements may vary by university. Refer to each university's homepage for details.

  • Application Form (online)
  • Personal Statement and Study Plan
  • Recommendation Letter(s)
  • Proof of Language Proficiency
  • Official High School (expected) Graduation Certificate
  • Official High School Transcript
  • Application and Parent Certificate(s) of Nationality
  • Certificate of Parent-Child Relationship
  • Standardized Test Score (optional)
  • School Profile
  • Supplementary Materials



#2 – Korean National Student Track

Students holding Korean nationality and graduating from a foreign school in Korea must have a certificate of the general equivalency diploma (GED, 고졸 검정고시).

Application Periods: Spring Only

Admissions Criteria:
Admission decisions are made based on an overall evaluation of the documents submitted by the applicant. Admissions criteria are different for each university and its admission selection categories.

Required Documents:
The following is a list of generally required documents, but document requirements may vary by university. Refer to each university's homepage for details.

  • Application form (online)
  • Personal Statement
  • Recommendation Form
  • Certificate of GED (고졸검정고시 합격증)
  • Official Score Report of GED (고졸검정고시 성적표)
  • Official High School Transcript
  • Supplementary Materials


Both Korean and foreign students going on to Korean universities from TCIS have done so smoothly and successfully. TCIS has a dedicated bilingual counselor to support students who want to apply to Korean universities. Students and families can work with the TCIS Korean College Matriculation Counselor to navigate the matriculation planning, preparation, and application processes.

* This information is given in good faith as a general guide to help families understand the general processes. Further and more detailed information may be required in order to complete application processes.