Taejon Christian International School | Since 1958

Middle School [Grades 6-8]


International Middle School in Korea

TCIS provides a western-style middle school experience to children in South Korea, or invites them to join us in Korea through our Boarding Care Program. Within the IB MYP program, students engage in a highest-quality international school education. TCIS is an English-speaking school built on American (US) and international course standards.



Self-Awareness and Connections

TCIS programs provide guided opportunities for introspection and self-discovery. As students understand their strengths, weaknesses, and goals, their learning becomes much more relevant. When learning is seen as relevant, it becomes deeper and more engaging.

Middle school students are in an important phase of personal and intellectual development. The PYP encourages children to explore the world around them. The MYP builds on this by focusing on connections. The idea of connections becomes a constant theme for students. They learn how knowledge transfers among subjects. They also explore how they themselves connect with the idea of community. Students consider what they can contribute to the communities in which they are a part.

Intercultural awareness is another prime focus. Children learn to appreciate the beauty of global cultures, as well as their home culture. Many lifelong patterns solidify in these middle school years, and we want students to be strong and productive learners. It is important that students develop a healthy system of values and standards.


Strong STEAM Focus

In elementary school, students are introduced to basic analytical thinking and fun, hands-on applications like block coding and robotics. Beginning in grade 6, students start to focus on learning the tools necessary to develop and create.

From grades 6-10, students gain broad exposure to graphic design, 3D design & fabrication, 2D & 3D animation, web coding, robotics, and programming. Electives, clubs, and competitions provide opportunities for students to gain additional practical study in these areas. This combination of integrated STEM and Arts, together with the rest of the comprehensive curriculum, creates young people who are prepared for the future.

By the time students reach grade 10, they are in good position to access the advanced STEM and Arts courses for honing their skills and building impressive portfolio work in their grade 11 & 12 years. They have the opportunity to choose a focused path to develop themselves for their desired course of study at university.


Two middle school boys in lab coats observe the temperatures of liquids in a beaker on a hot plate in the MS Science Lab
Two middle school girls in lab coats record the temperatures of liquids in a beaker on a hot plate in the MS Science Lab
TCIS Dragons Logo (in black color)

Middle School Activities and Athletics

Clubs, activities, and athletics are vital parts of the TCIS holistic educational program for learning balance and leadership. They are fun ways to develop socially, physically, and mentally, and they add opportunities to practice essential skills introduced in classroom learning. These programs are fun, and they help students learn about themselves and the things they love to do.

Middle school students pose with a prize received for a fun group competition at an evening school event

MYP for International Middle School Learning

The Middle Years Programme (MYP) is a framework for students in their middle school years. It takes an approach for solid academic learning, personal development, and essential skills. The Global Contexts in the MYP make it very powerful in the lives of international students. It truly is a solid and flexible framework for educating children through what can be a difficult time of life.


Read About The MYP At TCIS




TCIS middle school students and teachers at the end-of-year weekend retreat at the coast




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