Special Educational Needs
We believe there are many things that work together to make a student successful. The effective delivery of curriculum is important, but students also need access to resources in order to truly achieve their academic potential.
In some cases, students need specialized services or support to work through personal educational challenges. In other cases, students benefit from having a caring and knowledgeable professional to help work through emotional or social issues in order to work more effectively.
TCIS recognizes that each student is a person made in the image of God. For this reason, the goal of TCIS is to help provide an environment where each student’s unique gifts of intellect, personality, stature and spirit are given the best opportunities for development to maturity. TCIS is committed to providing quality instruction for all students admitted to the school with special educational needs, affording them the opportunity to reach their highest potential of academic achievement and spiritual growth, while acquiring the knowledge, skills and values needed to become responsible global citizens.
Services We Provide
Students who come to TCIS with a diagnosis may receive an Individual Education Program (IEP) written by our highly-qualified and experienced Learning Support Coordinator. This IEP is developed in collaboration with:
- Parents
- The student
- Teachers
- Internal & external professionals
Who We Serve
TCIS endeavors to serve students with the following needs:
- Gifted and talented students
- Specific identified learning challenges
- Language and communication difficulties
- Developmental needs
- Physical and sensory conditions
- Medical conditions
- Emotional/ mental health issues
How does TCIS serve students in the Learning Support program?
TCIS uses specifically designed instruction, which targets student needs in and out of the classroom. The following are some of the strategies TCIS implements to support excellence in teaching and learning for all students:
- In-class support, by providing an additional teacher in mainstream classes
- Accommodations
- Small group direct instruction
- Pull-out intervention
- Modified tasks and instruction, including assessment
- Modified schedule