Taejon Christian International School | Since 1958

APAC Orchestra & Choir

Dragon Drop Stories  November 21, 2023


TCIS Choir and Orchestra students recently embarked on a remarkable journey as part of the 2023-2024 Asia-Pacific Activities Conference (APAC) program.

As our school is a proud member of APAC, a collaborative network of international schools across the Asia-Pacific region, TCIS students had the opportunity to showcase their talents and engage in cultural exchange. This program emphasizes both friendly competition and collaboration, fostering connections between schools.

In the past week, our teams had the privilege of traveling to Hanoi and Seoul for three-day events where they collaborated with fellow student musicians. The video above, created by UNIS Hanoi, beautifully captures the essence of the orchestra event, featuring students immersed in learning and performance - a similar experience shared by our choir group (photos below.)

The pinnacle of the week was a spectacular concert where individual schools presented their meticulously prepared pieces, and the combined choir showcased the collaborative pieces rehearsed throughout the event.

Beyond the musical aspect, the APAC program places a strong emphasis on cultural exchange. Our students had the chance to experience the rich cultures of the host cities through performances, tours, and communal social events. These experiences are integral to the overall program, contributing to a holistic and enriching learning environment.

These experiences not only showcase the exceptional talents of our students but also strengthen the bonds of friendship and collaboration within the global educational community.