Taejon Christian International School | Since 1958

Elementary Art - First Week

Dragon Drop Stories  August 18, 2023

"The arts have the role in education of helping children become like themselves instead of more like everyone else." – Sydney G. Clemens

Here we are at the end of our second week, and so many things are beginning. Tryouts and first practices are underway for athletics. Clubs are forming and will soon be presented for signup in high school, middle school, and elementary. Students are firmly in their first units, and the learning is already starting to build.

It takes a little while to get up-to-speed in all of the activities that happen in a school like TCIS, but one thing we see happening from day one is art. We aren't sure why art happens so suddenly, but it's likely because it is about the beauty which is brought here inside each individual child.

In these photos, you will see an all-elementary project called the paper quilt (inspired by Marylin Collioud-Robert) as a symbol of those unique things that each student brings to the community. You will also see student project work on birds, inspired by both M.C. Escher and a homeroom unit currently focusing on migration (of animals, but also of people.)

What better way to end the week than by looking at student art? Here's to the beauty inside of every child and to bringing it out through education! Have a great weekend, All!

Three elementary girls greeting each other happily on the first day of school