Taejon Christian International School | Since 1958

First Week in Boarding

Dragon Drop Stories  August 21, 2023

As students settle into academic routines, our Boarding Care students are also settling into the living routines and building relationships within the dormitories.

Our professional Boarding Care Program staff are some of the most committed and caring adults you will ever meet, devoting huge amounts of time and love to making our young people feel like they are part of a family here at school.

Of course, not everything is fun and games all the time, but there are a lot of fun and games too!

Welcome to all of our new boarding famillies (students and parents.) We look forward to working through the ups and downs this year, and partnering with you as we "do life and learning" here on our campus.

[Adams Dorm 2023-2024]

Dorm girls and Dorm mom smile for a photo at the snacks table
High school girls enjoy take out dinner in the boarding common area
Dorm students playing ping pong in the dorm recreation room
Two high school dorm girls do homework on their laptops by the window in the common area
Girl and Dorm Mom have dinner at a table together
Dorm boy poses with a sign that says %22First Day of School 2023-2024%22
Dorm girl poses with a sign that says %22First Day of School 2023-2024%22
Dorm boy poses with a sign that says %22First Day of School 2023-2024%22
Dorm girls pose with smiles bags of popcorn
Dorm girls pose with smiles bags of popcorn
Dorm girl practices guitar in a dorm practice room