Taejon Christian International School | Since 1958

MS Robotics Starts

Dragon Drop Stories  August 23, 2023

Middle School Robotics is now up and running for the semester. The team has a number of new members this year, and WOW, does it look like a fun group.

During our drop-in, we saw members working on their machine assembly and a demonstration by some older students as they played a soccer match in the testing arena. After the robots are built, students will begin coding learning and exercises – we hear that is where the fun really begins!

This is a building group, and we look forward to seeing these and our high school robotics students doing some incredible things!

Younger middle school robotics group members watch a demonstration by the older middle school students
A cabinet of cubbies with individual student projects that are currently being worked on by a middle school group
An overhead view of three middle school students working on the assembly of a wheeled robot
A close up of a student-made, wheeled robot
A box of robotics parts to be assembled
A close up of a student-made, wheeled robot
Younger middle school robotics group members watch a demonstration by the older middle school students
A close up of a boy manipulating two robots on a flat arena surface
Younger middle school robotics group members watch a demonstration by the older middle school students