Taejon Christian International School | Since 1958

A 65-Year Legacy

Dragon Drop Stories March 10, 2023

For 65 continuous years, TCIS has delivered high-quality education here in Daejeon – but DID YOU KNOW that our legacy goes back to 1900?

Pyongyang Foreign School opened in 1900 and was known as a high-quality center of learning for boarding and day students. Due to military mobilization in Korea, PFS closed in 1940.

After the Korean war, missions organizations and families united to re-open a school with the legacy started by Pyongyang Foreign School – conveniently close to Seoul, but far enough away from the conflicted Northern border.

In 1958, with cooperation between multiple missions organizations, Taejon Foreign School (later renamed TCIS) was opened to carry on the legacy of high-quality education and family-like boarding care.

Read the complete TCIS history and legacy.